Propositional Workshop #1, 2011
Wood, paint, drywall, rubber, vinyl, video projection,
video monitor, surveying tape, photographs, acrylic, mirror
15ft x 17ft x 8ft
Centering on an investigation of abstractions of movement, Propositional Workshop #1 combines elements from performance traditions with ideas from systems and complexity theories. Specifically drawing inspiration from Classical Greek and Japanese Noh theater designs, representations of network traffic and information exchange, as well as modern dance’s investigations of unembellished movement, Horisaki-Christens constructed a series of sculptural props and a small modular stage set. The set and props were then used in a series of improvisational movement-based performances by Elaine Angelopolous, documented in video, sound, and photography. The material collected in these sessions is re-incorporated into the final installation, presenting the proposition of movement and performance to the viewer through the apparent potential of the sculptural objects as well as the recorded remnants of past performance. A meditation on the centrality of the physical even within an increasingly virtual culture, Propositional Workshop #1 explores the life cycles of energy transfer between individuals that create a new sense of connection, ritual and non-religious spirituality in the age of technology.
Video from Sculpture “Noise and Structure” from Nina Horisaki-Christens on Vimeo.
Propositional Workshop #1 Dance Clips from Nina Horisaki-Christens on Vimeo.