Maintenance and Dependency
Originally Published in Maintenance Required, Whitney Independent Study Program Curatorial Exhibition Catalogue, 2013 During the 2012 presidential campaign, a heated debate broke out between Republicans and Democrats around the terms by which President Obama qualified the achievements of entrepreneurs and small-business owners. Spurred on by the Republican convention’s choice of the theme “We Built […]
Propositional Workshop #1
Propositional Workshop #1, 2011 Wood, paint, drywall, rubber, vinyl, video projection, video monitor, surveying tape, photographs, acrylic, mirror 15ft x 17ft x 8ft Centering on an investigation of abstractions of movement, Propositional Workshop #1 combines elements from performance traditions with ideas from systems and complexity theories. Specifically drawing inspiration from Classical Greek and Japanese […]
Does the trace of the word across the page draw me closer to you?
Does the trace of the word across the page draw me closer to you? 2011 Archival inkjet print 13in x 18.5in Text reads: It has been a long time since you wrote to me. I don’t mean communicated, but really wrote, by hand, on paper. We exchange text messages regularly, emails a little […]
Suspension, 2010 Video, monitor, plastic bag, water, aquarium, pedestal 10in x 20in x 63in
Crossed Lines
Crossed Lines, 2009 Ink on wall 68in x 48in
Pyre for the Early Computer Age
Pyre for the Early Computer Age, 2009 Plaster, wood, fluorescent light 4ft x 4ft x 16in
Empire Power Authority
Empire Power Authority, 2007 Plastic, acrylic tubing, resin Dimensions variable, each switch-box is 4.75 x 2.25 x 2.5 inches Installation at Socrates Sculpture Park. Transparent replicas of electrical switchboxes, with movable parts, run along the fence overlooking the East River. The replica electrical conduit runs down the contour of the shoreline, and enters […]
Falling (into the gaps between words)
Falling (into the gaps between words), 2007 Video, plants, motorized terrarium cars, plastic, resin Dimensions variable, installation includes objects, photographs and video Featuring: Jennifer L. Lopez, Butch Merigoni, Soneela Nankani, Kathleen Wilce, Satoko Yoshikane, and Takashi Horisaki A multimedia installation centered around a video of terrarium companions following 6 different individuals through different […]
No Place Like Home
No Place Like Home, 2004-05 Plexiglas, 4 motion sensors, dirt, rocks, wood, wire Dimensions Variable, house approx. 27in x 20in x 20in A plexiglas replica of my childhood home is lit by different banks of heat lamps according to the movements of viewers as recorded by motion sensors. The lighting casts shifting shadows of […]
Reflexive, 2004 Plexiglas, blue lights, 3 motion sensors Each mask is 9in x 6.5in x 6in, installed in 10ft diameter circle, 5ft 5in from ground 16 identical clear plastic masks are hung in a circle in a dark room. Three motion sensors control three banks of blue lights (arranged randomly behind the masks) according to […]
Vernacular, 2004 Wax, cheesecloth, pigment each door frame 8ft x 3ft x 2in
Weight of 285
Weight of 285, 2003 Test tubes, red liquid, plexiglas, monofilament, light 8in x 11in x 4in installed in a 10ft x 15ft space, 5ft from ground